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27 maart 2014

Laatste keer in Rostock

Dear Sir / Madam,

last week your employees Thijs Geuze and Hees Mertens fullfilled the dying wish of Heinz Gast who wanted to visit his hometown Rostock and his favorite football club, F.C. Hansa Rostock, for the last time.

On behalf of the F.C. Hansa Rostock I want to thank your Ambulance for fullfilling this wish. For that reason I also want to send you an article published on our website (http://www.fc-hansa.de/index.php?id=154&oid=40959) and two photos.

Unfortunatley we don't have any numbers or email address from Heinz Gast or his son Ronny Gast. Can you help us? Our F.C. and of cours our fans, which were also deeply touched by the sad story, want to say goodbye and express our heartful sympathy to Heinz' Family.

I would be most obliged if you could connect us with his family.

Thank you for your help in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Dorian Koberstein Media & Communications F.C. Hansa Rostock

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