at this moment 21953 wishes fulfilled with 1681 beautiful stories
For donations:
NL61 RABO 0112 9246 11. RABONL2U



We can only do the work of the Ambulance Wish Foundation thanks to the financial contributions of individuals, institutions and companies. In order to make the work of the foundation possible in the future, the foundation remains dependent on donations. The work of the Ambulance Wish Foundation would not be possible without your donations.

Your donation is welcome on account number: NL61 RABO 0112 9246 11 from abroad in addition with BIC number: RABONL2U in the name of Stichting Ambulance Wens

You can also support the foundation by means of a periodic authorization whereby, for example, you donate a fixed amount to the foundation every month. You can fill in a form at your own bank or arrange this via telebanking. Or you can click on this link one-time donation.

Stichting Ambulance Wens Nederland
Abel Tasmanstraat 79
3165 AM Rotterdam-Albrandswaard
The Netherlands

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